Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yummy Yum Yum!

Last Friday we tried rice cereal for the first time with Colin.  He took to it right away!  We had a speech therapy evaluation and decided to give it a shot.
I was so proud of my big boy!  He didn't react to the strange texture of the cereal, or the spoon in his mouth.  She showed us some things we can do with the spoon in his mouth (pushing down on his tongue, placing the spoon sideways and pushing down on his lower job).  None of these things phased him.
A few times she said that so much of what Colin is doing is "typical" for his age!  LOVE  LOVE LOVE hearing that my baby is "typical!"  hehe  She loved that he sucks his thumb, and even chews it.  She loved that he's started to show an interest in holding his bottle (ok, so it's a tiny interest, and we have to encourage it!  hehe).  It went really well.

Love his messy cereal face!  My boy is getting so big!


  1. Look at that hair! Love it!

    And cereal....what a great milestone!

    Tammy and Parker

  2. Love it! Great job Colin!!!!

  3. Isn't it amazing how proud we can be of our littles? I am loving his hair. Always has been a great asset!
