Friday, April 22, 2011

Starting OT

Colin has officially began Occupational Therapy!  We had our first session on Thursday - and it went GREAT!  He loved it, really seemed to love his therapist, and he did a great job.  Before she got started she said to me, "He'll probably really get mad while he's doing this!"  Nope, he didn't care!  He loved it  and he had a fun time!
Sometimes it seemed a bit like baby bootcamp - especially when she pulled out the yoga ball.  Sometimes it was just playtime for him.  We want to give him a lot of opportunities to experience new textures, new feelings, new emotions.  I really respected how she spent a lot of time just interacting with him so he would be comfortable with her. 

She started the hour with a massage!  Wouldn't we all love a massage!!  He started giving her the biggest smiles - I think it was really relaxing to him.

After his massage it was some "tummy time!"  His FAVORITE (NOT!).  She timed him to see how long he would keep his head up.  He did a minute.  Pretty impressive for him!

Time to play on the yoga ball!

Next week she'll be back for more!  Looking forward to seeing Colin growing and developing with her.


  1. Yay for OT! (a little biased because I am one). Eon starts OT, again, next month. I'm looking forward to it. Colin is sooooo cute, btw!

  2. I want OT. A massage and playtime really does not sound like the worst way to work does it? :)
